
Download Dulhan chali Ha Pahen song lyrics

Purab Aur Paschim 1970

Free Dulhan chali Ha Pahen mp3 song

We presents for now Dulhan chali Ha Pahen mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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Dulhan chali Ha Pahen
Artist : Patriotic
Dulhan chali Ha Pahen Song Lyrics

Song Lyrics: Dulhan Chalee, Han Pahen Chalee
Song Lyrics: Movie or Album: Purab Aur Paschim 1970
Singer(s): Mahendra Kapoor
Music Director(s): Kalyanji-Anandji
Lyricist(s): Indeevar


purab me suraj ne chhedee, jab kirno kee shehnaayee
chamak uthha sindur gagan pe, pachchim tak laalee chhaayee
hmm.... hmm.....

dulhan chalee, han pahen chalee
ho re dulhan chalee, ho pahen chalee tin rang kee cholee
baago me lahraaye ganga jamuna, dekh ke duniya dolee
dulhan chalee, ho pahen chalee tin rang kee cholee
aa.... ho....

taj mahal jaisee taja hai surat, chalti phirti ajanta kee murat
mel milaap kee mehandee rachaaye, balidaano kee rangolee dulhan chalee
ho pahen chalee teen rang kee cholee

aur sajegee abhee aur sawaregee, chadhatee umariya hai aur nikhregee
apanee aajaadee kee dulhaniya, deep ke upar holee dulhan chalee
ho pahen chalee tin rang kee cholee

baago me lahraaye ganga jamuna, dekh ke duniya dolee dulhan chalee
ho pahen chalee tin rang kee cholee

desh prem hee ajaadee kee dulhaniya kaa waar hai
iss albelee dulhan kaa sindur suhaag amar hai
maata hai kasturba jaisee... baabul gandhi jaise, baabul gandhi jaise
chaacha isake nehru shastree, dare naa dushman kaise
dare naa dushman kaise
veer shivaji jaise vire, lakshmi bai behna
lakshman jis ke bodh bhagat singh, usaka phir kya kehna
usaka phir kya kehna

jiske liye jawan baha sakte hain khun kee ganga - (2)
aage pichhe tino sena le ke chale tiranga
sena chaltee hai le ke tiranga - (2)
ho koyee ham prant ke vaasee ho koyee bhee bhasha bhashee
sabse pehle hain bharatvasee

sabse pehle hain bharatvasee - (4)

Dulhan chali Ha Pahen Video Song

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