Download majha hindustan majha hindustan song lyrics
Free majha hindustan majha hindustan mp3 song
We presents for now majha hindustan majha hindustan mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.majha hindustan majha hindustan Song Lyrics
Lyricst Name :KUSUMAGRAJ
song lyrics
majha hindustan majha hindustan
himachalache hirmandit shirbhushan bhardar
wkhswar ganga yanuache rulati mautik har
katis talpe marathmolynche godechi talwar
mahodadahiche charajawali garajtase awhan
petvile pashan patharwarati shivbani
galymadhe garibanchy gaje santanchi wani
jyotisam samrat tya veranche priyatam tirthstan
rat sare ye prachiwarati tejachi resha
nayva manucha ghosh ha dumdumat disha
jagrut jahkya dalit jagachy balsahali aasha
swatnryache samanteche unnat hoy nishan
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