Download bhalobeshe Kache Eshe song lyrics
Free bhalobeshe Kache Eshe mp3 song
We presents for now bhalobeshe Kache Eshe mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.bhalobeshe Kache Eshe Song Lyrics
Movie/Album Name :JEWEL
Lyricst Name :
Singer Name :JEWEL
bhalobeshe Kache Eshe
Kano tumi dure dure rou
Moner Majhe S
Kano tumi Sriti Hoye ROu ||
Chilo Ak buk bhora bhalobasha
chilo ei duti chokhe shopno
tobu keno miche bhoy
sriti shudhu betha dae
ei mone ||
ajo jole prodip ashae ashae
sriti ghera ei adhar ghore
shudhu aak bar dekha daao
bhalobeshe kache naao
ei monta ||
Lyricst Name :
Singer Name :JEWEL
bhalobeshe Kache Eshe
Kano tumi dure dure rou
Moner Majhe S
Kano tumi Sriti Hoye ROu ||
Chilo Ak buk bhora bhalobasha
chilo ei duti chokhe shopno
tobu keno miche bhoy
sriti shudhu betha dae
ei mone ||
ajo jole prodip ashae ashae
sriti ghera ei adhar ghore
shudhu aak bar dekha daao
bhalobeshe kache naao
ei monta ||
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